Saturday, October 11, 2014

Singapore trip

Somewhere in August we went to singapore over the wekends doing some errands.

All set, we drive to JB.

Dah sampai, check in JB hotel and rest.

The next day we went to singapore by bus.

Family pose. In front of the famouse globe, tak masuk pon...x sempat.

We went up the singapore flyer, enjoying the breathtaking view of singapore from the world tallest ferris wheel of 165m .

Then we went across , to the garden by the bay, one of the largest man made garden which Singapore claim to equilibrate the development that was underway. Fair enough.

We went into the flower dome and cloud forest. Lived in vietnam before and enjoying the flower decoration in Ho Chi Minh City during tet, I would say I am not amazed with the flower dome. But it is still beautiful.

Susahnye nak tangkap gambar these kids.

Clouds forest are more awesome, which led me to miss natural waterfall in Malaysia which led us to another trip (next post) to mandi air terjun.

There is the high walkway in it, which we really enjoy. 

Diha got so excited and jumping around on her stroller, tak gayat ke diha.

It was a wonderfull short , and very tiring one day trip which we enjoyed so much.

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