Friday, December 6, 2019

Genting highland daytrip

I can't remember the last time I went to Genting Highland. I have not been there since forever, my kids have never been there, and yet it's so near.  So, one weekend, I persuaded my hubby to drive us up there. It took us about 30 minutes maybe to reach the cable car station.

We went there early in the morning, there was barely any line on the cable car station.

us on the cable car.

some of the view on the cable car.
The un-finish, dunno what's gonna happen to this supposed to be Fox entertainment outdoor theme park.
still, remember the day I went to Genting with my friends after finishing our professional exams.

however, they have this amazing indoor theme park.

Quite enjoying the light and space theme, and their amazing 3D shows.

Us at Genting highland.

Amazing race

Our family joined an amazing medical race held by Beacon hospital together with my husband other siblings and their family and it was so much fun.

It was held in Perdana Botanical Garden. 

We have to wake up very early that day because the flag off is at 7am. We were given 5 clues each clue lead to the other clue, that brings us to another station. 

My kids were very excited to try to win the race and they ran so fast ahead to reach the next station. Leaving me and hubby behind. 

Earlier before the race start Harith already told me ummi will you make us slow. I said of course I won't. But then when we have to run from one point to the other which is quite far, I actually am slower than them. Lol.

The Perdana botanical garden early in the morning. I was surprised at how many city dwellers came here early in the morning to exercise.
Us taking a compulsory post at the Bunga Raya monument in order to get the next clue.
The road ahead. Since the place is quite big all checkpoints are far from each other. Towards the end of the race, I am quite suprise at how much distance we have covered. Happy me, to be able to exercise a bit.
Our strong team. Harith is quite dedicated to winning.
Another compulsory group post that we have to post on Instagram to get the next clue.
Once we are done we have to solve the puzzle to complete our race.

Us at the amazing lung race

The whole gang. Our big family who join this race is divided into 3 groups.

Overall I am so glad that we did this activity. It's such an amazing experience. I have not done a treasure hunt for a while and never with my hubby and family. I am surprised at how hard my kids work to try to win the race. Would love to join activities like this again in the future. 

Friday, July 19, 2019

 As promise , these are my Hari raya Aidulfitri 2019 photo's. this year we celebrated Eid in Shah Alam, well sort off because at 12 we started our journey back to Kota Bharu which took us about 10h to arrive. This is the 1st time we make this kind of arrangement because I am unable to take a long keave for Hari Raya plus a short Hari Raya break in 2019.


We went to Eid prayer at Masjid Besar Shah Alam as usual.

Anak-anak semua dah besar berjalan ke Masjid.

Our little family

Our family and Ibu

My big family together with Ibu,Jay, GG and family, Emi and family .Not in the picture Eyja and family.

Driving back to Kelantan with our Hari Raya baju.

My hubby big family in Kelantan

Later, our department Jamuan Raya, this my other family picture. Family at work.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hari Raya 2018

masyaAllah lamenye tak blogging , sampai dah lepas raya 2019 baru nak up post raya 2018.@#%^&

next post raya in shah alam plak 2019.

meanwhile baca la cerita basi ni dulu eheheheh

Yeay. Celebrating Hari Raya back in Malaysia with families is the best. It was so much fun living abroad but during Eid , we do feel really lonely and missing family. This year we celebrate Raya in Kota Bharu.  Suasana last day at work before the long raya break. Then the long drive balik kampung. The family gathering, visits and barbeque.

Family picture on the Eid

After solat Eid and the salam session the kids will get all their duit raya and start counting it. 

Hari ni tak jalan mana pon, duduk rumah sahaja, tapi outdoor shoot is amust.

Second raya, Jalan to Ijoe's house. and few other families.

outdoor post after jalan2.

barbeque at night. and kids mercun session.

3rd raya morning , laksa day, laksa utara ada, laksam pon ade.

4th day raya dah bole jalan2 cari makan, makan roti goyang brekfast kelantan style.

i looooooove all this.

me also jalan jalan house kelantan geng, kalau balik beraya di kelantan. 


on the way back lalu highway pantai timur, saja too relax and stop by at the Ikan celup tepong stall on the way back.