Saturday, June 28, 2014

More DIY games.

These ideas are again derived from art attack. And once the boys saw them , they jump up and down to do it. And so we did.

Zuhayr wants to make a foorball games while Harith wants to make rugby.

We made a football like goal post with straws.

Harith is done with hus rugby post and now making balls out of tissue and glue.

Cloth peg as propeller. Zuhayr trying out the finished foorball game.

Harith trying out his rugby propeller.

I find it quite easy to craft with the boys because the more craft we do, the more stationaries equipments I have collected ready to be used to get crafty with the kids. The essentials are scissors and cutters, ruller pencils, tape and glue, papers , hard , plain, colorfull, ropes, brushes and acrylic color. Yup with these all its enough to do any craft the kids desires.

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