Saturday, June 16, 2012

Molten lava chocholate cake.

I would like to share another yummy chocholate cake that I have succesfully made. Its not that I would like to turn this blog to be a desert recipe book :). I just would like to share a succesfull recipe that i have succesfully tried and turn out well. Once I discovered a particular desert that I like, I would google the recipe and there will be many different recipe of a particular desert, some are better than the other.I wouldn't know for sure untill I actually tried them. Reading through the recipe, been baking a lot I can fairly decide which recipe would be succesfull and which would be a failure. Once I choose the recipe, i'll try them out, taste them and make some necessary alteration. And this is the perfected recipe.
* this molten lava cake, is so easy and yet so elegant. The short baking time make it an easy desert to serve if you are hosting a small group of sitting guest.

120 g dark chocholate
100 g butter
2 eggs
50 g caster sugar
10 g self raising flour
10 g coco powder
1 tsp Vanilla essence.

1)Melt chocholate and butter
2) beat eggs, vanilla and sugar
3) pour melted chocholate into eggs mixture( make sure you temper the eggs first or make sure chocholate has been cool a bit), fold in the ingredients.
4) fold in the flour and cocoa powder.
5) bake in individual remekins.( make sure you grease the remekins well with butter and flour.180c for 10 minute( adjust time lenght according to the size of remekins)

Friday, June 15, 2012

My wonderfull life

Everyday I am thankfull to Allah for giving me such a wonderfull life. Thinking back, i have been blessed my whole life. I am so thankfull that I am given the opportunity to stay at home with my boys, watching them growing up before my very eyes. Playing with them, teaching them, cooked and baked for them and sometimes with them. Sometimes all I do is sit and just watch them play. And savouring every wonderfull moments. :). I will always cherished them all. Thank you Allah and all thanks to you. :)


This cute little baby girl is one year old and her mommy threw her such a cute tinkerbell party. She's just so gorgeous in the little green fairy dress. Oh my.

Statue of liberty

Been so so busy, this past weeks, unable to upload harith's 5th puzzle that was completed a week ago. I love doing all the puzzle with Harith. He loves doing every single one of them. This kinda puzzle is around RM 20 here in Vietnam. All these are his birthday's presents though from my dear friend Nini. Thank you Auntie Nini.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cheese tart

I would like to share this cheese tart recipe. It is such a success. The pastry taste so nice. The cheese filling is just right. Not too sweet, not to rich and creamy either.

125g butter
63g icing sugar/ caster sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2 spoon of vanilla essence

250g cheese
20g butter
60g caster sugar
1 egg
Vanilla essence
Blueberry jam


1) add flour and sugar
2) add butter, mix till become crumbs
3) add egg yolk, vanilla essence
4) mix till ingedients become doughy..
5) press in the tart baking tray.
6) bake in oven 180c 15-20 min

1)whisk creme cheese till soft
2) add butter, sugar, egg, vanilla
3) spoon into pastry
4) put little jam at center and mix a bit in the filling.
5) bake 180c 10 min

Walla!!! Done!!

Doing the pastry is quite tedious but if you are so so 'rajin' like me, make a bigger pastry rather than a small one. :)

The White House

This is our 4th 3D puzzle. At this stage, i realize how good all this puzzle are for Harith even for me. There is lots of fine motor skills involved. Knowledge wise it encourage learning on facts and things of the world. Now Harith will be looking at buildings and pictures, TV screen more aware of buildings arround him. Another thing I realized is, we have never been to any of the buildings that we have assembled. Oh my...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Burj Al-Arab

Today we did another 3D puzzle the Burj Al-Arab. One of the most luxury hotel in the world. This building is build on an artificial private island. The cheapest room cost at least 1,000 usd per night. Wow...