Our Road trip route this time will be Toronto-New York City- Boston (stop over at Yale University) - Quebec ( stop over at Harvard University) - Ottawa - back to Toronto.
D1 ready to start our journey. Fresh and happy. We love road trip. Especially when abah's driving.
Thats basically our trip today. From our home to New York City.
Along the way, we went through rural roads in new york state instead of the large interstate road. Kira area kampung la ni.
Lembu lembuan di padang.
This is totally breathtaking. Beautiful river flows. Terus teringat pada ayat -ayat Allah yang banyak menceritakan tentang kebun kebun yang mengalir sungai sungai di dalamnya.
After about 8h on the road with lots of pit stop at the gas station. We arrive at our stay. I book this place from AirBnb and its so cool. The house is complete with washer dryer, kitchen, beds for 5 people, in fact the owner even gives soap, shampoo, detergent for washing cloth, kitchen complete with food like instant mee, mac and cheese, eggs, milk fruits. Best!!!!
Our beautiful stay. Macam book 5 star hotel and yet with such an affordable price.
D2 The next morning, we took a bus just across the street to New York City.
Sampai dah. The city with its famous yellow taxi.
Having breakfast at Times Square. All around here its so easy to find Halal food. Most of the food cart in the city especially in the tourist area is Halal. Kerlas sangat!!!!!
Times square, basically around this area there is a lot of mascot with costume or with "no costume" awaiting tourist to take picture with them with a dollar fees.
Lepaking at one of the small park within the city. Notice the field behind me is full with people sitting on the grass while having their lunch basking in the sun.
In the warm weather of spring and summer restaurant started to put out their sidewalk table for people to dine outside embracing the fine weather.
We only spent a day in the city this time, meeting few close friends.
Above is the picture of our stay complete with free parking space.
D3 Today our journey will take us to Boston Massachusetts , along the way we will stop in Yale University in Connecticut.
The trip to Boston takes about 4hours. Around 350km.
Yale is midway from New York to Boston.
Most of the college and university here especially the old ones are so incorporated with the city.
This is in front of Yale library. The old buildings of this 300 years old universiry mostly is still preserved . I really love the architecture and the concept. Each group of buildings like one department are build around a beautiful secluded park.
Inside the library, we found a book about Malaysia. Bangga mak.
Us 2 girls in front of paintings of the amongst first female medical student.
Then we proceed to Boston. Boston is one of the oldest city in the US. Its the place where the British setlers landed in the year 1700. Its very rich in history. What I love about it is how most of the houses and buildings around here are an old victorian architecture.
There are lots of type of this beautiful homes. Along the way. In fact our airbnb stay here is also in one of the old victorian house. (forgot to take pictures).
While the city of Boston also is so beautiful intermixture of old and new buildings. I really like Boston. Its beautiful and clean and famous for its food. Boston cake, Boston pizza, Boston lobster role.
New buildings in Boston. I feel the buildings are too much close to each other.
Some of the old buildings in the city with cobblestone road and walkway.
Miniature old buildings doll house at one of the souvenier shops. Thats how old buildings in boston look like.
This is the famous quicy market.
Inside the market is beautiful with rows and rows of food.
My favorite. Lobster role!!!.
Enjoying our lobster role outdoor , with nice scenery and beautiful weather.
The alleways of the market.
Our schedule are packed today. Next stop Harvard yeay!!!!!.
Harvard university and MIT university is both within Cambridge a town not far from Boston.
Harvard anyone!!!
At the Harvard yard surrounded by faculty buildings and library. While we tour around the University the kids got to choose wether they want to go to Harvard or Yale or MIT. Berangan habis mak nye.
The beautiful ancient buildings.
Around Harvard courtyard. Me also wish can enroll here. (Dreamy)
Then we set out to Quebec. Its a 6hours journey along the beautiful landscape of Vermont. One of the famous place along the way is Salem.
Breathtaking scenery , great road and good gas station service with variety of coffee to choose along the way is why I love doing US road trip.
Quebec Ottawa stories in my next post.
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